
Hands-on Energy Work, Guided Meditation, Yoga

I can help you heal yourself by becoming more embodied and internally connected.
With practice, you will learn how to clear away all the noise so that the inner voice can be heard, and the healing can begin!
I offer private sessions in my home studio in Encino. Each session is customized to the client's needs using one or more of the modalities listed below.

I teach you breathing techniques and help guide your awareness inward. This significantly calms your parasympathetic nervous system so that your body is more open and able to heal. You will feel more connected to your body and more able to hear her needs.

Just as our bodies have a physical anatomy, we also have an “energy anatomy.” Disturbances within the energy fields in our body can have a negative effect on our overall health and trigger any number of adverse physical and emotional symptoms ranging from chronic or acute pain, disease, or emotional disruptions. By clearing blocks and balancing the energy within, your body is able to heal itself and is less vulnerable to the toxins, viruses and stresses of the world.
Using light touch, I combine the Body Mind Balancing technique with Reiki for a very relaxing, non-invasive treatment.

Amba Yoga is a female-based yoga system. It is less about holding poses and more about tapping into the life force within and moving from a place of pleasure. I will guide you through fluid movements (think yoga meets dance) to help unwind tension, unblock stuck emotions and feel more connected to your body.

My whole life, people have come to me looking for comfort or guidance. Even as a child, adults would spill their woes to me in hopes of feeling better, and somehow, I could feel and know what they were going through, and had empathy and wisdom to share.
Through the years, this intuition grew, and my abilities expanded. But it wasn't until I was able to heal myself that I truly knew what I had to offer.
Growing up, I had discovered a very effective way of coping with the massive amount of energy I felt from everyone around me. My defense was to completely detach from my body (living in my head) so I could avoid the overwhelming feelings all together. Not having any tools to digest the emotions as they entered, I would disassociate from them, creating barriers and walls within. As this strategy was unconscious, I had no idea that I was trapping the energy inside my body, leaving no open pathway for it to exit. The older I got, the more energy I stored, and the armor I created to protect myself grew. Although I couldn't feel the emotional pain I was protecting myself from, in turn, I developed physical pain and discomfort in my body. I felt as though I was bracing myself from the world rather than living in it.
After years of outwardly seeking help and making very little progress, I was suddenly struck with the answer. In order to be comfortable in my body, I needed to be able to hear what my body needed. It was obviously trying to tell me something.
But how? I had created such an automatic defense, I didn't really know how to reprogram the pattern. Logically I knew that I needed to reconnect with my body, so immerse myself in activities that would help bring my attention inward. For the next decade, I studied meditation, yoga, energy healing, breath work, earth medicine and diet. In a nutshell, I learned the power of self-healing.
With consistent practice and training, I was able to hear my own voice again. My body started to heal itself and I was able to get rid of anxiety, depression, chronic pain and IBS. But most importantly, I became more emotionally available to myself and the people I love.
The tools I learned helped clear the blocked energy in my body, and taught me how to digest new emotions by grounding and creating an open channel for healing energy to flow. I learned how to be there for other people while staying connected to myself.
My dedication to myself continues to make me a better healer. My intuition keeps growing, and I truly enjoy feeling the positive energy as it flows through me to my clients.
My goal now is to share these tools with other women to help them heal themselves. I believe women need to support each other in their journey to reconnect to the natural radiance and feminine power that lives inside each and everyone of us.


Reiki is a Japanese technique used for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. If one's "life force energy" is low, then we are more likely to get sick or feel stress, and if it is high, we are more capable of being happy and healthy.
The word Reiki is made of two Japanese words - Rei which means "God's Wisdom or the Higher Power" and Ki which is "life force energy". So Reiki is actually "spiritually guided life force energy." All healers use life force or Ki, but not all use Reiki. Reiki is a special kind of life force that can only be channeled by someone that has been attuned to it.
Energetic Alchemy is the alchemy of self-transformation. When most people think of alchemy, they think of the alchemists of the past who sought to turn base metals into gold. In truth, self transformation was the goal of the most spiritual of alchemists long ago. Energetic Alchemy shows us a way to change heavy negative energy into the magic of divine energy which we can then use to transform ourselves and others. Everything is energy and Energetic Alchemy reminds us that we are Divine children of God and therefore, we are truly the Power in our world.
Transpersonal Energy Healing is a form of gentle hands-on touch and dialogue that stimulates the 7 chakra energy centers, with the 7.8 hertz frequency of the earth’s magnetic field, to harmonize the tissues of the physical body. Transpersonal Energy Healing Therapists attune to universal humanistic qualities such as compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love, humbleness, gratitude, purity and serenity, to create an alpha brain wave state of calm within the client to allow psycho-biological healing to occur. Eye contact and moment to moment tracking of emotion and body sensation are reflected to the client. The process results in positive holistic health benefits, a sense of wholeness, well-being and profound ease of physical and emotional distress while simultaneously increasing the best essential sense of self awareness within the client.
200 Hrs.
Amba Yoga is a fluid movement-based yoga that awakens the innate wisdom, vitality, and joy within your body. It aligns your body, builds strength, expands your breath, and inspires freedom of movement. This is a great way to unwind areas of tension and promote a healthy flow of energy for optimal health.
University of Massachusetts - Magna Cum Laude

"Health is not valued till sickness comes" - Thomas Fuller
Your success is measured by your level of wellbeing. If you feel you could benefit from my services, please email me and we'll set up an appointment as soon as possible. Thanks and I hope to hear from you soon!